He had a terrific time running around, and we got home with neither sunburn nor food poisoning, so it was a success... better than that though, it was actually quite relaxing. Of course it was at someone else's house and that always helps.
Before Jamie, and before me, the great love of Steve's life was his motorbike.
It no longer gets the TLC it should, but after a certain length of time in the garage it's a roadworthy vehicle once more and this weekend Steve got to do the last little bit of tinkering to get it ready to take him to and from work. Plus, he finally got to sit Jamie on it.
This week (ok, last week, I know) is Jamie doing Art.
He definitely makes the connection now between dragging a felt tip or crayon across some paper and a line appearing. I'm not sure he's realised that he can control the direction, and there's a 50-50 chance of him trying to use the wrong end of the felt tip, but the basic idea is there.
This bunny was in the Easter box from my mum, and Jamie seems to have really taken to it.
He likes carrying it, cuddling it, feeding it (thankfully only the plastic play food) and periodically heaving it over the edge of the playpen with an air of "you can be free, my friend!"