Friday, December 22, 2006

All set for Christmas

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to be able to say that I am now all but ready for Christmas. It may come and do its worst!

The presents are all bought and wrapped and labelled and, what is more, they are at the houses they should be at too. I know whose house I am visiting which day, how I am getting there and whether I should expect to be fed or not.

Today I went and picked up my prescriptions for the next couple of months and went to see a friend to deliver to them my final Christmas card.

Tomorrow I am going to buy one loaf of bread and two pints of milk just so that if I end up too ill to go to anyone else's house, I will have plenty to get by on here at my flat. That is the only piece of preparation left for me to do. I think.


  1. interesting posts you have here, came here from a link on the comments box from nhsblogdoc

  2. Hi mo,

    don't know if I'd go so far as to describe my online brain dump as "interesting", let's face it there's no real intent or structure here, it's just me burbling on about whatever is on my mind, but it's nice to see you, thanks for popping over, and Merry Christmas.

