Wednesday, January 14, 2009


...uuurgh. I have Additional Lurgy in the form of a cold.

Happily it's not the rotten sort of headcold that wimps try to insist is "flu". Just a cold that is a cold that is a cold, with a sinus-y headache, a sore throat, and a metric smegload of snot.



So yeah, another job in the paper I'm thinking of going for. It's a receptionist/admin assistant position, 15 hours a week, for a children's charity. BUT, I have to phone the Mr Director for "an informal chat" about the position, and right now on the phone I sound so icky and goopy and contagious that he'd probably want to autoclave the phone after speaking to me, rather than encouraging me to send in a germy application form. So it'll have to wait a couple of days.

In better news, I'm on track to become an employer myself - my Direct Payments are ready to go just as soon as I've advertised for, interviewed and selected a personal assistant. For this I have sought assistance from the Rowan Organisation but if anyone's got any top tippery they care to share, the comments are open as usual.


  1. Thanks guys - this one kind of surprised me on Wednesday morning so if I was spreading it about on Tuesday night I am so, so sorry...

  2. Thanks for the link to Rowan Organisation with my little girl fast growing up these sort of links really help out.

  3. Hope you get rid of the bug, I had one and it was awful.
