Tuesday, January 19, 2010

DLA exam

This morning I had my medical examination for my DLA renewal.

A big thank you to everyone who left such supportive and encouraging comments on my last post - it really helped me to stay calm about the whole thing.

The doctor arrived on time and stayed for just under an hour, which is good as the examination is supposed to take between 20 and 60 minutes. He came across as a pleasant and professional man. He was patient when I was struggling with things and gave the impression of listening to what I was saying. He took an awful lot of notes and appeared to be trying to understand, although of course he also made several efforts to catch me out. He did seem a little perplexed about why he was being asked to examine me for a renewal rather than a new claim.

I don't know if he believed a word I said and I have no idea what he wrote down. But on the whole I am happy with how the examination went. My PA was also present and she felt it had gone well - that I had presented openly and honestly and that I had made my difficulties clear without exaggerating.

And now I can stop worrying until the next letter turns up.


rachelcreative said...


Achelois said...

I just think its ridiulous when they do medicals that they feel the need to invade one's personal space and do the medical in the first place. I have been in receipt of dla for a long time and haven't had to endure a home medical thankfully.

I have always been intrigued by what they actually ask and what they do that makes the difference to a claim when they have all the information anyway.

I just think the whole dla medical examination is a joke - in part because they have no specialist knowledge such as a consultant does about any particular conditions. I think its an expensive unnecessary process. Can you tell they make me cross!!

Good luck with the outcome.

Mary said...

I don't know... I guess it depends on your condition, but for me a home visit was much, much easier than having to travel to an examination centre. Plus of course as there was no travel involved it was cheaper in terms of PA hours - I still have an hour of this week's time left to use for nice things!

It is strange though. I can't imagine what he can have found out that has been overlooked in the statements, reports, prescriptions and notes from my GP, my social worker, my occupational therapist, my PA...