This picture marks a great leap forward in Jamie's eating abilities.

Up to the age of six months, Jamie was exclusively breastfed. Then we started to introduce purees on a spoon. We had a rhythm going where we would load the spoon and pass it to Jamie, and he would pilot it to his mouth or thereabouts (as in this post, it was messy but it worked).
Next was finger foods, and then something unexpected happened - he started refusing to hold the spoon and would do any amount of gymnastics to just get his mouth directly to it instead. I consulted the weaning expert at the children's centre and she reassured us that some kids were like this. Having got to grips with shoving finger food straight in his mouth he was regarding the spoon as an unnecessary complication in the eating process. But she seemed quite relaxed about it and said we should just keep eating with cutlery in front of him, let him have the spoon if he wanted it even if only to play with, and not worry.
Well, that's easier said than done, but it seems to have worked. Last week, after several months, Jamie finally reached for the spoon again. What's more, we don't even have to load it any more. He can have his bowl, he can scoop up his food, he can put it in his own mouth at his own pace. He's just suddenly got it, all at once.
Bonus video footage:
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