Of course it did mean that I needed something I haven't had for several years: a Christmas tree. Last year, well, there was going to be a tree at mum's house, and given that I had quite enough on my plate with getting suitcases packed, and gifts bought and wrapped, not to mention still settling in to living here and having just started a new job, getting a tree didn't seem like any kind of priority. In the years before that, I lived in my tiny little flat, so all there was room for was a tree-shaped ornament. But now... this is my home, I will be here all Christmas, I have room for a tree, and by the gods, a tree I shall have.
My quest for a tree didn't go according to plan (go ahead, look surprised). I'd figured on getting one from those esteemed purveyors of seasonal tat, Woolworths. No sooner had I vocalised this plan than Woolworths went under and the Final Clearance Sale started. By the time I'd got round to my day off, and gone into the local branch in search of a tree, the "Christmas" section consisted of a few folorn packs of baubles scattered on the otherwise barren shelves.
Time to formulate Plan B. I started by considering my specification. I definitely wanted an artificial tree rather than a real one. I wanted it to be bigger than a shelf-ornament (so I could hang decorations on it), but preferably no taller than me (so I could hang decorations on it). I wanted it green, without fake snow or glitter. I did not want a fibreoptic tree and, although I hadn't realised it was an option, I prefer my tree to be the conventional way up.
This is a taller order than you might first think...
I trundled along the rest of the high street but couldn't find any trees that fit my spec. We tried local supermarkets without success. On Saturday we went to Solihull and looked in John Lewis. They had a lovely Christmas section, but all the trees were far too big. There was one pre-lit tree which was just so pretty I could have forgiven it for being too big, but it was something like £175 and my budget was more in the £30 region.
But then, the skies parted and I was advised to look in Homebase or Focus (I'm unsure to what extent they are one and the same thing). So on Monday morning, Steve dropped me off at the retail park on his way to work, and I went into Focus, and I found their last 4ft artificial green right-way-up unlit unsnowy unglittery tree! And I was happy! So happy! The tree plus a dozen or so decorations remained well under my £30 budget, and I went home exuding joy from every pore.
Things have been a little hectic since then - work on Monday afternoon, work Christmas do on Monday evening, recovering on Tuesday morning, work on Tuesday afternoon, last knitting group of the year on Tuesday evening... however Wednesday is my day off, so I assembled and decorated my tree late on Tuesday night, after knitting. Here it is in all its glory:
I am so happy. There's presents underneath it now and everything.
Oh, and while we're at it with the Christmassy goodness, remember, just like last year, the final UK posting date for Christmas cards is Saturday 20th December. It'll take you ten minutes. Make someone happy.
Great tree! And how lovely to see a photo of you, BG x
Hooray for trees!
I gave it a miss last year, but my tree is up this year. And in tribute to the late Oliver Postgate, on top of my tree (in place of a star or a fairy/angel) I have Major Clanger.
It is my lovely tree! It makes me happy every time I walk into the room!
I approve of Major Clanger.
Hurrah! I'm glad you have a tree, for the tree makes you happy.
I've sent two Christmas cards so far this year (one was a combined Christmas and birthday card; I don't really do festive) - but perhaps I shall take your advice and send a third. Three is, after all, a nice number.
You have also reminded me of my tree from my first year at uni. I wrapped my ironing board in tinsel and put the presents underneath it. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Lovely tree, love your pretty angel at the top.
Lovely tree!
I have a proper old-fashioned fairy on top of mine, and have loads of baubles bought at Christmas markets in Europe. Every year when we decorate it it brings back some great memories.
Have a great Christmas xx
I really want to go to a nice Christmas market but haven't yet had an opportunity - maybe next year, when I have my Direct Payments and PA. I intend to look for nice little decorations, whimsical gifts, and fresh hot sweet soft pretzels.
The decorations currently there are a mix - the red and gold baubles I bought at the same time as the tree, also my little crippled Santa at the top (he has no legs but should not be rejected for this). The angel, and the decorations made of wood, straw, and/or felt, are ones I've been given by my mum or grandparents in years past.
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